my kids

my kids

Friday, July 4, 2014

Different Day, Same Shirt?!

10 months out of the year, I'm a real stickler for what my boys wear (translation: I pick everything out & color coordinate), but I'm much more laidback during the summer. :)
Unless we're going somewhere special, I actually let them choose their own clothes!

Well, this little dude chooses to rotate between these 2 outfits EVERY SINGLE DAY!!
Different day, same outfits. Hey, it's summer . . . why not?!
I pick my battles.

On a slightly different note, I wear a lot of the same shirts/outfits as well -- but it's because this belly limits my choices! :(
I haven't done an update in a few weeks (hard to get to it . . . ), but I'm 23 weeks pregnant - almost 6 months! Wow, time is flying!!!

Here are pics from 20 weeks . . .
and from 22 weeks at the beach.
My belly's not this big . . . it's just the angle of the pic! :p

My next prego update & set of pics will be at my shower,
which is next weekend!!!

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