my kids

my kids

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Funny Little Blessings . . .

I tell people all the time that we don't need TVs in our house; our children provide us with PLENTY of entertainment!! Tim & I look at each other all the time & just shake our heads & smile; & many times there is no way to hold back some deep belly laughs! There's no way I could ever document EVERY funny episode or saying, but I just have to share a few from this week . . .
*Thursday night, the 5 of us gathered around the table for dinner. Now, Tanner loves to sit in his spot, hold hands, bow his head for the blessing (so sweet!), & say a cute little "Amen." This particular night, though, he wanted to watch Elmo instead, so he was practically falling out crying & his daddy just had to pick him up & stick him in his seat. As we said grace & started eating, Tanner continued to wail. Five minutes later, he finally calmed down & surveyed the table. He held out his hands & looked at us. So we stopped eating, held hands, bowed our heads, & Tim said this prayer - "God, thank you for giving Tanner a better attitude." To which Tanner happily replied "AMEN!!" & started eating.
*Friday morning, the 5 of us were getting our things & bustling out the door to head to school & work. Tim had Tanner in one arm & his travel bag in the other (they were heading to East Carolina later in the day), so he told Timothy to grab a cereal bar for him. Timothy didn't hear him & didn't get it. When we left the house, Tim called & asked Timbo if he had gotten it, he said no & Tim replied that he would just eat some grass when he got to work. I told him I had $5 & I could give it to him at a stoplight so he could stop & grab something. He said "No, that's okay." Taylor then piped in - "Daddy, you should really take Mommy up on her offer. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day you know. Why spoil it on grass???"
*The boys have a bedtime of 8:30. Recently, our oldest son requested a change in his bedtime.  He thought it would be a little more fair if his time was later than his brother's, since he is ALMOST 3 YEARS OLDER! His father & I agreed & moved it to 8:45, which he was THRILLED about! Now, he's turned into the bedtime warden. He makes sure Taylor gets to that bed at 8:30 sharp (he starts with the reminders around 8:25), then he fully enjoys those extra 15 minutes, minus his brother, upstairs with his parents.
*Saturday, Taylor showed me a page of original lyrics entitled "Sealed In My Mind." He also performed it several times (in falsetto). He said he's really going to work on writing a lot of songs and practicing his singing because he really wants to be famous some day . . .
Our boys OFTEN make us cry with laughter, SOMETIMES sigh in frustration, every NOW & AGAIN rethink a decision. . . & ALWAYS thank God for the incredible blessing they are to our lives.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cute... i want such a family when i grow up
