my kids

my kids

Sunday, December 15, 2013

UAB Grad

Woo Hoo!!! I finished grad school in the summer & celebrated this accomplishment w/ my UAB graduation ceremony on Saturday morning.
I was so pumped to walk across the stage & officially receive my master's in instructional leadership.
And, it was wonderful to have my fam there; they've been supporting me since the start of this journey.
Here are some pics from the Graduation Funners!!
Shaking hands w/ Dean of the College of Ed,
Deborah Voltz
Shaking hands w/ UAB president,
Dr. Ray Watts
Smilin' in the crowd
My Pastor & fellow grad from my church
My in-laws
My grandparents
Aunt Carolyn & my cousin Andrea
Aunt Alice
My cousin Amber
My sissy Kosh
(my other sis Nish was out of town coaching a bball game & my brother G had to work)
My mom
My parents & sons
In case you're hubby was there, we just didn't get a pic together, which I'm really bummed about! He had to leave lunch early to go back to recruiting... (life w/ a football coach!)

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